DREAMSEB network
French flag American flag Hungarian flag

DREAMSEB creations
Preview of : DREAMSEB, codes gratuits, free codes
French flag Hungarian flag American flag
Codes gratuits
(Site created in 2011)
This site was created to offer free codes to people to win more presents on websites such as Prizee©, RoyalCactus©, Toilokado©, etc... You can win a lot of kind of codes : Pack+, Tipass, Mimipass, RoyalPass, etc...
Preview of : DREAMSEB collections
French flag Hungarian flag American flag
DREAMSEB collections
(Site created in 2007)
You can find on this website our collections, magnets, euro coins, touristic tokens edited by the "Monnaie de Paris". I'm still working on it ...
Preview of : The world of Mokus
French flag Hungarian flag American flag
The world of MOKUS
(Site created in 2003)
Flash website with a squirrel as a hero called MOKUS (Mókus means squirrel in Hungarian). Interactive and multiplayers games for everybody, strategic games, scratch tickets, jackpot, etc ... With a forum too and other surprises. I'm still ameliorating it ...
Preview of : Winmediasurf
French flag
(Site created in 2002)
Site to refer other members for EC Barre ©, MoneyCashBar ©, and Prizee ©. Only available in french.
Preview of : Hasselhoffsite
French flag Hungarian flag American flag
(Site created in 1999)
The best site about the David Hasselhoff singing career some years ago, it was partly closed because of the stupidity of some other webmasters. You can still find a selection of his last DVDs, CDs, videos and books you can buy, and a free forum for the fans.